Who are You?

Our identity—our sense of who we are—fuels everything in our lives. And that identity can only come from God… —Christopher Riordon, boundless.org

When the Bible talks about humility, it doesn’t mean you should see yourself as worthless—as perpetually and hopelessly less-than. How you think about yourself should line up with who God says you are. If it doesn’t, you’ve likely been listening to lies.

Don’t insult God by devaluing or shaming the masterpiece He created in His own image (Genesis 1:27)—the masterpiece for whom His own Son died. Let that sink in.

Putting yourself down (even if only in your head) or continuing to tolerate abusive treatment is not healthy or godly. It’s agreeing with evil. And viewing God as a harsh judge who is waiting to punish you because you just didn’t “get it right,” is a complete misrepresentation of who He is.

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. (John 3:17)

Examine your self-talk. Do you hear yourself saying things like, “I’m so stupid.” “Nobody wants me.” “God must not care.” or “I could never do something that amazing?” Who we are—our identity—is all wrapped up in how we view God and how we believe He views us.

If we don’t understand our personal value (in God’s eyes), then we can get caught up in all the good (or bad) works we do, trying to desperately please and earn (or hide from punishment).

As Christians, if we don’t feel valued for who we are, and if we don’t have an accurate opinion of the loving, gracious, and compassionate nature of our righteous Heavenly Father, then we can get focused on playing a role for whoever we’re trying to please at the moment.

Instead of resting in the love of Christ, trusting in what He did for us on the cross, and glorifying God with all that we ARE, too often, we try to jump through hoops to win favor on our own. And when we fail at all the “doing” (which we will), we assume He’s waiting to punish us. And the cycle repeats. A cycle we may have memorized long ago.

The thoughts and stories that play in your mind will drive your behavior, so be careful what you allow those stories to be. – Tiffany Hector

But learning to absorb the truth and helping your body to memorize it…deep down into the remotest parts of your soul…makes your mind an unwelcome home for lies.Truth Drops by Stacy McDonald

There is only one genuine source of Truth (John 8:31-32).

Grace and Peace,

Stacy McDonald, Author of Truth Drops
Picture of Stacy D. McDonald

Stacy D. McDonald

Christian author, blogger, and trauma survivor, Stacy McDonald, gets real about her own painful struggles with toxic thoughts and dysfunctional thinking. After seeking help from a licensed Christian therapist, she finally began to unravel and examine the irrational fears, painful memories, and unhealthy thought patterns that had become entrenched in her mind during her own difficult and complex childhood.

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